Monday, June 8, 2009
"Cat in the hat"
In the book "The Cat in the Hat" the cat is mostly dominated by the character id. The cat is a example of a id because when he first appear in the book all he want to do is have fun. In the beginning he did not care what anyone think. He plays by his own rules and never gives a second thought to his action. He just want to impress everyone which no one is but then he just does whatever he thinks is fun. One example of his indirect act is when he tries to show off the narrator and to Sally. That was when he hopped on the ball and start putting things on top of each other. When that failed everything came crumpling down and the cat made a mess. Than he did not even clean it too he just left it there. When the fish told the cat to leave the cat ignore the fish and told the narrator and Sally that he got something that is more fun. All the thing the cat could think of is just to have fun nothing else matter to him. After the ball and the mess he brought in a big box with thing 1 and thing 2 in it and then they trash the house even more. The cat brought them in but did not take responsible for his action and when things became out of control he just stand and watch. At last he finally leaves because he somehow knows that he was unwanted in the narrator and Sally house. Then he suddenly changes into a superego and cleans all of the mess for the narrator and Sally. After that being said the cat was still a id throughout most of the book because he did what he want and did not think about the consequences that will be put on him or anyone else. This remind me of my own family because when my parents not home my older brother take charge and he force us to do what he want. Than make a big mess after that than me and the younger one has to take control and force him down but then he clean after his own mess too. Then again in the book on page 18 the cat engages in “Up-Up-Up with the fish” an activity that involves the cat standing on a ball while balancing seven objects. Later in the book, the cat releases two “things” that flies kites inside the house. This explain that the activities are outrageous, dangerous and should not be play in the house. This is a example of the cat being a id because he do not concern about rules that is related to safety and appropriateness and only knows how to have fun.
Friday, May 1, 2009
how the feed affect Titus
The feed work its way to people very fast on how a person "function". Titus relies on the feed completely by waiting for it to tell him what to buy and what to not buy. He also waits for it to tell him to do like the feed totally took over his life for him. He doesn’t even communicate through voice or sound when he is next to someone he rather sends them an email through feed. Titus does everything on the net on feed also he watches show that the feed decide to put on. So his brain is not even a brain to take to take action it’s just a Jell-O sitting there. It’s like an old machine that never been running for some time now. The thing that proves that Titus relies too much on feed and how he is if he doesn’t have the feed to back him up is very true. The best example from the book is in page 47,”You can look things up automatic, like science and history, like if you want to know which battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in and shit.” George Washington did not even make it to the Civil War so therefore if Titus does not have feed to rely on he will get kill in history. Therefore it proves that he is dumb and never learns only count on feed. So this means that if the feed inside of him went
out of order he will really struggle.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
feed know what you need before you

It’s as if they can’t think for themselves and need the feed to tell them every move they make. They will be hopeless without the feed. This is kind of like people who are addicted to their cell phone, TV, computer, iPods, etc. if these are gone or don’t work anymore they go crazy. The feed tell them what to buy just like shopping with our mother and they decide what they want but act like we were the one who wanted. The feed act like their mother "guiding" them through shopping. These people can't think for themselves that they rely totally on the feed to make the decision for them. They go to the shop and don’t even know what to buy and than the feed take their record out and decide what might interest them even though they don’t even need it. Therefore the feed know before them because without the feed they are worthless. One example from the book is on page 98 when Titus explains,” We went into the store, and immediately our feeds were all completely Bebrekker & Karl. We were bannered with all this crazy high-tech fun stuff they sold there.” This prove that the minute they step foot in the store the feed got to work right away trying to pursue them into buying things where they are at. Also to make them buy stuff that they don’t even need or even going to use it for anything.
"missing the feed"

In this chapter corporation is a big part of everyone life. When everyone missed their feed and was unlikely may be counted as the dead living. Mostly people with feed live in a life that people who don't have one could ever imagine. The people with feed could not go a day without their feed. Many feed come from corporation as Titus have mention in page 48 "Everything we think and feel is taken in by the corporations, mainly by data ones like Feedlink and OnFeed and American Feedware, and they make a special profile, one that's keyed just to you, and then they give it to their branch companies, or other companies buy them, and they can get to know what it is we need, so all you have to do is want something and there's a chance it will be yours." This means that the corporation read them like robot or a book. It’s like whatever they want is what the companies told them to buy. Also what people with feed buy is not really what they really want nor is it something they even need the corporation is just broadcasting in their feed and made them want to buy more. The corporation made them want to buy stuff that they don’t even need so therefore this chapter is saying that the feed decide what each individual would like to buy and make them buy more. Than it also explain how the corporation try to sell things to them and make them buy more and how the corporation made life easier for everyone.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
What is on the moon?
In the beginning Titus have explain about the moon poster a little like a ad that show picture of people having fun and many dance. The moon is mostly full with teen and party. Many teen go there on break to have fun as in drinking and dancing. For them the moon is like the holder of many different clubs. It is also where most teens gather at for fun and enjoyment. Titus gave us an explanation of one bar dancing party on page 34 he start by saying “It was meg big big loud. There was everything there. There was about a million people it seemed, and lights, and the beat was rocking the moon.” So the moon is like a hop and fun place for the teens to enjoy. Also its kind na like a break from everything because There was no parent with you and it’s like you do whatever and fake age to get into bars. The moon also have a mall that sell everything and Titus have explain on page 31 saying,” They had built a pretty nice stucco mall there….I wanted to buy some things but I didn’t know what they were. After we walked around for a while, everything seemed kind of sad and boring so we couldn’t tell anymore what we want.”So there for the moon has almost everything like earth did. It also has hotels and place to hang out with friend and snack place also there’s a gym. The moon is like down town where people go and hang out to have fun on break.
What is normal?
I think Titus is those kind of people who get bore real easily and get annoy very soon if things don't quiet down. Also his attitude compare to his friend are way different like how he describe them on page 10 when he said," Link is tall and butt-ugly and really rich, that kind of old rich that's like radiation, so that it's always going deet deet deet deet " and "Marty, his thing is that he's good at like anything, any game, and I just stand there silent and act cool."So this is the different between them. They think differently about things as in what to do for fun and their interest in things. Titus is very secretive, quiet, and mysteries. Link is like a player and always thinks about sex most of the time. Marty is very good at all kind of sports and always win so many people don’t like to play with him. Violet is a mysteries and very smart like what Titus said in page 24 “She seemed really smart from what she said, and she was pretty.” So this tell us that she is very smart and sound like those book worm type but she’s very pretty. Violet wants to be normal because she don’t really enjoy much fun and came on the trip to the moon alone. Which Titus thinks that is boring and all to travel alone. There is no such thing as normal. This remains me of when I was in 3rd grade and talked to this smart girl and she just know everything. At first I thought she’s weird but when you get to know them they’re pretty cool.
"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck"
I think this sentence set up the story by given us the set of the play where the book will take place on. Most of the story took place on the moon and most of chapter one is all about what they did on the moon and the problem they face. I think that this sentence is mostly what Titus thinks or thought about the moon as in the moon suck. Also the sentence mostly just base on what Titus opinion about the moon. This whole sentence is a summary of all chapter one because at first Titus and his friend went to the moon to have fun but then it back fire them. Titus was very excited and happy in the beginning about going to the moon by reading and looking at picture about it. This is kind-na like advertising things like but nice things on it and when you actually go there its nothing like what the ad have said. So this is exactly what happens to Titus them all excited about going to the moon but when they got there it was just a rocky surface and full of rock with less oxygen. On page 4 Titus have said " It sounded pretty fun, and at first there was lots of pictures of dancing and people with romper-gills and metal wings, and I was like, This will be big, really big, but then I guess I wasn't so skip when we were flying over the surface of the moon itself, because the moon was just like it always is, after your first few times there, when you get over being like Whao,unit! The moon! The goddamn moon! And instead there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit, like domes nobody’s using anymore and wrappers and claws.” This explains that something may look good but not really when you see it a couple times. This remind me of the time when me and my friend were talking about Vellyfair…it was good on paper but when we got there a couple time it suck so badly.
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