It’s as if they can’t think for themselves and need the feed to tell them every move they make. They will be hopeless without the feed. This is kind of like people who are addicted to their cell phone, TV, computer, iPods, etc. if these are gone or don’t work anymore they go crazy. The feed tell them what to buy just like shopping with our mother and they decide what they want but act like we were the one who wanted. The feed act like their mother "guiding" them through shopping. These people can't think for themselves that they rely totally on the feed to make the decision for them. They go to the shop and don’t even know what to buy and than the feed take their record out and decide what might interest them even though they don’t even need it. Therefore the feed know before them because without the feed they are worthless. One example from the book is on page 98 when Titus explains,” We went into the store, and immediately our feeds were all completely Bebrekker & Karl. We were bannered with all this crazy high-tech fun stuff they sold there.” This prove that the minute they step foot in the store the feed got to work right away trying to pursue them into buying things where they are at. Also to make them buy stuff that they don’t even need or even going to use it for anything.